
What type of surgery does a dermatologist do?

Dermatologists are trained to perform a wide variety of surgical procedures on the skin. Listed are some of the most common procedures performed:

  • Mole removal: Moles are removed by cutting them out with a shaving or scooping method or by cutting more deeply into the skin and stitching the wound together.
  • Skin cancer removal: Some types of skin cancers are softer than normal skin and can be scraped away from the skin with a special instrument. Other types of skin cancer are best removed by cutting around the edges of the skin cancer and stitching the area together.
  • Cyst and lipoma/fatty tumor removal: These benign tumors are removed by making a small cut in the overlying skin and removing the growth through the incision.
  • Skin tag removal: These small flaps of skin are cut, frozen or burnt off of the skin.
  • Laser surgery: A variety of lasers can treat a range of skin problems including blood vessels, brown spots, and unwanted hair.
  • Cryo surgery: Liquid nitrogen can be used to treat many skin conditions, avoiding invasive surgical procedures.

How can the dermatologists at Cary Dermatology help me?

Our dermatologists are specialists in the diagnosis as well as the surgical treatment of skin growths. An accurate diagnosis is critical in determining whether or not a growth needs to be removed, and which method of surgical removal will result in the best outcome. Some growths which may cause you concern may be completely benign and require no treatment while other spots that you are not concerned about, or even aware of, may require surgical removal.

Will I have to go to the hospital for surgery to remove a mole or skin cancer?

Our doctors perform all of their surgical procedures in the office with a local anesthetic. Rarely, a patient may be referred to a general or plastic surgeon to remove a large tumor or to perform surgery on an infant or young child

Cary Dermatology Center and Cary Aesthetic Center


101 SW Cary Parkway Suite 210,
Cary, NC 27511

Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concerns.

101 SW Cary Parkway Suite 210,
Cary, NC 27511

Please call (919) 467-8556

You can now also text our office at (919) 467-8556.


7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 am - 5:00 pm



